About Us

Online gambling is fun, exciting, and much more convenient than physical gambling. It’s safer, too, so we can spend more of our time having fun rather than worrying about the risk.

Hi, my name is Dave Selby and I have been working for online gambling sites for almost five years. A background in app development helps me stay ahead of the game while enjoying the thrill of playing the game itself.

There is so much choice online when it comes to gambling - online casino games, bingo, sports betting… you name it, you can bet on it online.

A favorite of mine is golf gambling. Such a relaxing game can win you big when you bet on the right people. Plus, betting makes watching it much more fun, too!

If you’re looking for a new hobby, gambling can sound like a risky venture. 

Dave Selby

But it doesn’t have to be. Stick with my knowledge of the business and I’ll help you navigate the tricky waters that are gambling online sites.

Working so closely with the business, I have experience with just about everything you can gamble on online. My friends call me the gambling encyclopedia and ask me if there are any questions under the sun about their ventures.

So, I thought why not expand my reach and tell my secrets to the world? I hope you’ll find something interesting and helpful on my site, and who knows - maybe I’ll see you in one of the chatrooms sometime!