What Are The Most Popular Types Of Football Bets? With Some Tips And Tricks

Sport betting is a multi-million dollar industry, with football being one of the top sports markets. Whether it’s the NFL for Fantasy football you can easily make bets and expect some form of return. Or not. That’s the gamble. 

American Football is the most lucrative form of internet gambling in the United States in terms of handle.

What Are The Most Popular Types Of Football Bets? With Some Tips And Tricks

However, in order to start placing your bets and begin generating some return, you need to know a few things. In this article we explain the most popular types of football bets that you can place. 

We even include some tips and tricks to make understanding sports betting easier and how to make some cash from your bets. 

Popular Types Of Football Bets 

Bettors have access to a variety of active and liquid betting markets for American football. Bettors have a choice between the traditional moneyline and more exotic proposition bets, particularly when it comes to major events and tournaments.

The most popular types of bets are as follows:

Match Markets 

This is the kind of betting market that most beginners choose because it produces results quickly and frequently involves very little in the way of intricate betting systems.

These are referred to as “match” bets since you are effectively placing a wager on who you believe will win the match, as well as occasionally other outcomes and information related to the match.

Moneyline: An example of Match Market bets is Moneyline. This is when you bet on the team which will win the match. It is as simple as deciding between Team A and Team B. This is most popular amongst rookies and those who only bet every once in a while. 

A real life example of a Moneyline bet is that when the Pittsburgh Steelers play against the Dallas Cowboys, you can bet on either the Steelers or Cowboys. As long as they win, regardless of how many points the spread is, you win your wager.

Point Spread: There are various variations of a points spread bet, but to put it simply, a points spread bet is comparable to a moneyline bet in that you are trying to anticipate the outcome of the game.

You will, however, also foretell the difference in scores between the winning side and the opposing squad. Additionally, you can wager on the losing team by setting a particular points spread that they must cover in order to defeat the opposing team.

Totals: A total wager is as easy to understand as a moneyline wager. In this kind of wager, you simply stake your money on whether you believe the combined final score of the two teams will be over or under a specific amount.

The scores scored in overtime in the event of a tie that necessitates extra time will not be factored into the computation of the over or under for the wagers.

Draft Markets 

Draft bets also exist, however you have to double check whether you can make these bets within your state. A lot of states do not offer this bet due to their gambling restrictions. 

An example of a Draft Market bet is First To Be Drafted. You will bet on the player to be selected first overall in this year’s draft, as the bet’s name implies. Typically, bookmakers will be able to list the odds with the names of the athletes who are the most popular draft picks.

A First To Be Drafted bet can branch off into other subtypes such as who will be the first player to be drafted on the team and the position they will play. 

Outright Markets 

Outright Market, or more commonly known as Future Bets involve placing a bet on a prediction of a result. This can be the result of a season or competition. 

These bets typically provide a bigger profit margin since they take longer to determine. Still, larger profits come with higher risks because many factors could potentially affect the outcome of the wager you are making.

Conference Winner: This type of Outright Market bet is where you place your money on which college will finish the competitive year at a higher status.

This refers to wagering on the American Football Conference (AFC) vs the National Football Conference in the NFL (NFC).

If you choose to wager on college football, for instance, and you chose the Ivy League, you may wager that Yale would win the conference title this year. Alternatively, you can wager that the NFC’s conference champions will be the Minnesota Vikings.

Superbowl Winner: A Super Bowl winner bet is rather simple. You wager your money on the team which you think will win the Super Bowl this coming year. 

For example you bet on the Miami Dolphins to win the Super Bowl this year. The Dolphins must make the playoffs, advance there, be one of the two teams at the Super Bowl, and ultimately take home the trophy for you to win the wager.

What Are The Most Popular Types Of Football Bets? With Some Tips And Tricks

Football Betting Tips and Tricks 

Betting on American Football is similar to any other type of sports betting. If you are new to the world of sports betting then it can be confusing and difficult to understand how to make strategic wagers. 

Below are some tips and tricks to help you make smarter bets:

Statistic Databases 

Knowing the game’s rules and mechanics is only the beginning of mastering it. All sports, including American football, revolve around numbers, and if you can figure out how to take advantage of them, you can benefit greatly.

The NFL has a range of online databases that are full of statistics to help you understand the game and how to place more strategic bets. 

Use Your Knowledge 

If you have in depth knowledge of college leagues then you are more likely to see results betting there than on the NFL. 

While gambling involves a lot of luck and chance, using your own knowledge to your advantage will help you greatly. 

This involves placing your bets logically rather than emotionally. A wise bettor understands that making the right option depends on what the factors tell you, not on their personal favorite.

Your personal favorite team might not always be the wise wager, thus you might need to gamble against them.

Use Multiple Bookmakers 

When it comes to sports betting as a whole, sticking to one bookmaker will only hinder your odds. You should always do your research across multiple bookmakers before placing your bet. 

This is considered shopping for the best lines. There are various bookmakers, and none of them are identical. Getting the best lines might result in the greatest profit for you because every bookmaker has something unique to offer, even if it is just slightly different.


Betting on American Football can be tricky. From the different leagues, stats, and players, making the wrong bet can cost you thousands. 

This article makes American Football betting simple. You can easily select which bets to place and understand what different bets mean across the board. 

You can also check out our helpful tips and tricks to make your wager placements smarter. From cluing up on the statistics to using your own knowledge, every piece of information is useful when placing bets.

Dave Selby